Member Advisory Council IT Assessment

July 15, 2022, I have been appointed by the cabinet of the Dutch government as a member of the Advisory Council IT Assessment (AcICT), starting September 1st, 2022. I am happy, and honored, with this appointment!

The task of the council is as follows (my own translation):

The Advisory Council IT Assessment judges risks and the chance of success of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) projects within the Dutch national government, and offers advice for improvement. It also assesses the effectiveness and efficiency of the maintenance and management of information systems. The council consists of experts, from academia and industry, who have administrative, supervisory and management experience with regard to the realization, deployment and control of ICT processes.

Ministeries submit any project with an ICT-component of over 5 million Euros to the council. Based on a risk assessment, the council subsequently decides whether it conducts an investigation.

Since 2015, almost 100 assessments have been conducted, on various domains. Recent examples include high school exams, governmental treasury banking, vehicle taxes, and the development process of the Dutch Covid-19 tracking app.

The resulting assessment reports are 7-8 pages long, centered around a number (typically three) of core risks, followed by specific recommendations (also often three) on how to address these risks. Example risks from recent reports include:

  • “Key project results are not yet complete in the final stages of the project” (treasury)
  • “An unnecessarily fine-grained solution takes too much time” (exams)
  • “The program needs to realize too many changes simultaneously” (vehicle taxes)

The corresponding recommendations:

  1. “Work towards a fallback scenario so that the old system can remain in operation until the new system is demonstrably stable” (treasury)
  2. “Establish how to simplify the solution” (exams)
  3. “Reduce the scope” (vehicle taxes)

The assessments are prepared by a team of presently around 20 ICT researchers and research managers. When needed, external researchers with specific expertise are consulted. Assessments follow an assessment framework, which distinguishes nine risk areas (such as scope, architecture, implementation, and acceptance).

The assessments serve to support political decision making, and are focused on the Dutch parliament and ministers. For each assessment, the minister in question offers a formal reaction, also available from the council’s web site. This serves to help parliament to fullfil their responsibility of checking the executive ministers.

The council consists of five members, each involved part time (for one day per week), for a period of four years, each bringing their own dedicated expertise. For me personally, I see a strong connection with my research and education at the TU Delft, in such areas as software architecture, software testing, and developer productivity.

As a computer scientist, I consider responsible, transparent, and cost-effective digitalization of great importance for the (Dutch) democracy and society. The advisory council fulfills a unique and important role, which is closely connected to my interests in software engineering. I look forward, together with my new colleagues from the AcICT, to contributing to the improvement of the digitalizations of the Dutch government.

I am presently not aware of comparable councils in other countries, in Europe or elsewhere. If you know of similar institutions in your own country, please let me know!

Lid Adviescollege ICT-toetsing

Op 15 juli 2022 ben ik door de ministerraad benoemd als lid van het Adviescollege ICT-toetsing (AcICT), op voorstel van staatssecretaris Van Huffelen van Koninkrijksrelaties en Digitalisering, per 1 september 2022. Ik ben blij en vereerd met deze benoeming!

De opdracht van dit college is:

Het Adviescollege ICT-toetsing oordeelt over de risico’s en de slaagkans van ICT (Informatie- en Communicatie Technologie) projecten binnen de Rijksoverheid en geeft adviezen ter verbetering. Ook toetst het de doeltreffendheid en doelmatigheid van onderhoud en beheer van informatiesystemen. Het adviescollege bestaat uit deskundigen – uit de wetenschappelijke wereld en het bedrijfsleven – die beschikken over bestuurlijke, toezichthoudende en managementervaring met betrekking tot realisatie, inzet en beheersing van ICT-trajecten.

Ministeries melden elk project met een ICT-component van meer dan 5 miljoen Euro bij het Adviescollege aan. Op basis van een risicoanalyse beslist het AcICT vervolgens of het een onderzoek uitvoert.

Sinds 2015 (toen nog als Bureau ICT-toetsing — BIT) zijn bijna honderd onderzoeken uitgevoerd, recent bijvoorbeeld over het moderniseren van examens, het digitaliseren van schatkistbankieren, het rationaliseren van de motorrijtuigenbelasting, en het ontwikkelproces van de Coronamelder app.

De meeste adviezen zijn 7-8 pagina’s in omvang, en zijn opgebouwd rond een kern van (vaak drie) belangrijke risico’s, gevolgd door enkele (ook vaak drie) concrete adviezen hoe de koers bij te stellen in het licht van deze risico’s. Genoemde risico’s zijn bijvoorbeeld:

  1. "Cruciale projectresultaten nog niet gereed zijn in het eindstadium van het project" (Schatkistbankieren)
  2. "Onnodig fijnmazige oplossing kost veel tijd" (Examens)
  3. "Het programma moet te veel veranderingen tegelijk realiseren" (Motorrijtuigenbelasting)

Met bijbehorend advies:

  1. "Werk een terugvalscenario uit zodat het oude systeem blijft functioneren totdat het nieuwe systeem aantoonbaar stabiel is." (Schatkistbankieren)
  2. "Identificeer hoe de oplossing eenvoudiger kan" (Examens)
  3. "Beperk de scope" (Motorrijtuigenbelasting)

De adviezen worden voorbereid door een team van (op dit moment) circa 20 ICT-onderzoekers en -onderzoeksmanagers. Waar nodig worden ook externe onderzoekers met specifieke expertise ingezet. Leidraad voor elk onderzoek is het toetskader, waarin negen risicogebieden (zoals bijv. scope, architectuur, realisatie, en acceptatie) worden onderscheiden.

De adviezen dienen ter ondersteuning van de politieke besluitvorming, en zijn dus gericht op de Eerste en Tweede Kamer en de ministers en staatssecretarissen. De minister reageert op het onderzoek van het AcICT middels een brief die ook openbaar is (en ook te vinden op de AcICT website), waarna het parlement de adviezen en de bestuurlijke reactie kan controleren.

Het Adviescollege zelf telt vijf leden, elk met hun eigen expertise, die dit werk in deeltijd doen (één dag per week), voor een periode van vier jaar. Voor mij zie ik een mooie aansluiting bij mijn onderzoek en onderwijs aan de TU Delft, bijvoorbeeld op het gebied van software-architectuur, software-testen, en efficiëntie van het software-ontwikkelproces.

Verantwoorde, transparante, en kosten-effectieve digitalisering is van groot belang voor de Nederlandse democratie en samenleving. In het realiseren hiervan speelt het Adviescollege een belangrijke rol, en ik wil me dus graag inzetten voor het AcICT.

Ik zie ook een mooie connectie tussen de taken van het Adviescollege en mijn eigen kennis en ervaring op het gebied van software engineering. Ik kijk er naar uit om, samen met de nieuwe collega’s van het AcICT, een bijdrage te leveren aan de succesvolle digitalisering van de Nederlandse overheid.

Managing Complex Spreadsheets — The Story of PerfectXL

This week we finished grading of the software architecture course I’m teaching.

Like many teachers, I use a spreadsheet for grading together with my co-teachers and teaching assistants. In this case, we concurrently worked with five people on a Google Spreadsheet. The resulting spreadsheet is quite interesting:

  • The spreadsheet currently has 22 sheets (tabs)

  • There are input sheets for basic information on the over one hundred students in the class, the groups they form, and the rubrics we use.

  • There are input sheets from various forms the students used to enter course-related information

  • There are input sheets for different sub-assignments, which the teachers and assistants use to enter subgrades for each rubric: Some grades are individual, others are per team. Such sheets also contain basic formulas to compute grades from rubrics.

  • There are overview sheets collecting the sub-grades from various sheets, combining them to overall grades. The corresponding formulas can become quite tricky, involving rounding, lookups, sumproducts, thresholds, conditional logic based on absence or presence of certain grades, etc.

  • There are various output sheets, to report grades to students, to export grades to the university’s administrative systems, and to offer diagrams showing grade distributions for educational assessments of the course.

The spreadsheet used has a history of five years: Each year we take the existing one, copy it, and remove the student data. We then adjust it to the changes we made to the course (additional assignments, new grading policies, better rubrics, etc).

Visualization of sheet dependencies

All in all, this spreadsheet has grown quite complex, and it is easy to make a mistake. For example, I once released incorrect grades — a rather stressful event both for my students and myself. And all I did wrong was forgetting the infamous false argument needed in a vlookup — despite the fact that I was well aware of this “feature”. For the this year’s spreadsheet we had duplicate student ids, in a column where each row had to be unique, leading to a missing grade, and again extra effort and stress to resolve this as soon as possible.

I suspect that if you use spreadsheets seriously, for example for grading, you recognize the characteristics of my spreadsheet — and maybe your sheets are even more complicated.

Now I have an interest in spreadsheets that goes beyond that of the casual user: As a software engineering researcher, I have looked extensively at spreadsheets. I did this together with Felienne Hermans, first when she was doing her PhD under my supervision in the context of the Perplex project (co-funded by Microsoft) and then in the context of the Prose project (funded by the Dutch STW agency). From a research perspective, these projects were certainly successful, leading to a series of publications in such venues as ECOOP 2010, ICSE 2011-2013, ICSM, EMSE, and SANER.

But we did our research not just to publish papers: We also had (and have) the ambition to actually help the working spreadsheet user, as well as large organizations that depend on spreadsheets for business-critical decision making.

To that end, we founded a company, Infotron, which offers tooling, services, consultancy, and training to help organizations and individuals become more effective with their spreadsheets.

After several years of operating somewhat under the radar, the Infotron team (headed by CEO Matéo Mol) has now launched an on line service, PerfectXL, in which users can upload a spreadsheet and get it analyzed. The service then helps in the following ways:

  • PerfectXL can visualize the architectural dependencies between sheets, as shown above for my course sheet;
  • PerfectXL can identify risks (such as the vlookup I mentioned, interrupted ranges, or overly complex conditional logic);
  • PerfectXL can assess the structure and quality of the formulas in your sheet.

If this sounds interesting, you can try out the service for free at There are various pricing options that help Infotron run and further grow this service — pick the subscription that suits you and your organization best!

Even if you decide not to use the PerfectXL service, the site contains a lot of generally useful information, such as various hints and tips on how to create and maintain well-structured spreadsheets.


Speaking in Irvine on Metrics and Architecture

End of last year I was honored to receive an invitation to present in the Distinguished Speaker Series at the Insitute for Software Research at University of California at Irvine.

I quickly decided that the topic to discuss would be our research on software architecture, and in particular our work on metrics for maintainability.

Irvine is one of the world’s leading centers on research in software architecture. The Institute of Software Research is headed by Richard Taylor, who supervised Roy Fielding when he wrote his PhD thesis covering the REST architectural style, and Nenad Medvidovic during his work on architectural description laguages. Current topics investigated at Irvine include design and collaboration (André van der Hoek, and David Redmiles of ArgoUML fame), software analyis and testing (James Jones), and programming laguages (Cristina Lopes), to name a few. An overview of the group’s vision on software architecture can be found in their recently published textbook. In short, I figured that if there is one place to present our software architecture research it must be Irvine.

The talk (90 minutes) itself will be loosely based on my keynote at the Brazilian Software Engineering Symposium (SBES 2012), which in turn is based on joint research with Eric Bouwers and Joost Visser (both from SIG). I’ll post the slides when I’m done. The full slides are available on speakerdeck, but here’s the storyline along with some references.

A Software Risk Assessment (from )

A Software Risk Assessment (source: ICSM 2009)

The context of this research is a software risk assessment, in which a client using a particular system seeks independent advice (from a consultant) on the technical quality of the system as created by an external supplier.

How can the client be sure that the system made for him is of good quality? In particular, will it be sufficiently maintainable, if the business context of the system in question changes? Will it be easy to adapt the system to the ever changing world?

In situations like these, it is quintessential to be able to make objective, evidence-based statements about the maintainability of the system in question.

Is this possible? What role can metrics play? What are their inherent limitations? How can we know that a metric indeed captures certain aspects of maintainability? How should metric values be interpreted? How should proposals for new metrics be evaluated?

Simple answers to these questions do not exist. In this talk, I will summarize our current progress in answering these questions.

I will start out by summarizing four common pitfalls when using metrics in a software development project. Then, I will describe a metrics framework in which metrics are put into context by means of benchmarking and a quality model. Subsequently, I’ll zoom in on architectural metrics, focusing on metrics for encapsulation. I will discuss a proposal for a new metric, as well as its evaluation. The evaluation comprises both a quantitative assessment (using repository-mining) of its construct validity (doest it measure encapsulation?), as well as qualitative assessments of the usefulness in practice (by interviewing consultants who applied the metrics in their day to day work).

Based on this, I will reflect on the road ahead for empirical research in software metrics and architecture, emphasizing the need for shared datasets, as well as the use of qualitative research methods to evaluate practical impact.

The talk is scheduled for Friday March 15, in Irvine — I sincerely hope to see you there!

If you can’t make it, Eric Bouwers and I will present a 3.5-hour tutorial based on this same material at ICSE 2013, in May in San Francisco. The tutorial will be more interactive, taking your experience into account as well where possible, and it will have a stronger emphasis on metrics (based on SIG’s 10 year experience with using metrics in industry). Register now for our tutorial, and looking forward to seeing you there!

See also: